Monday, 2 January 2017

Ghost of the Year Just Passed

Hey, everyone!

I thought I would share a little reflection of the year just passed, with you all!

In the past year I've had to face a lot, and one of those things is what I want to do with my future. I spent the entire of last year stressed and anxious about my future. Then I sat my exams, passed, graduated and went onto college. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit of a nervous wreck. Between meeting new people, not knowing what was going to happen and the fear of someone new reading my work made me really anxious, but I survived! I'm very conscious of what people think of my work , I always have been, but I figure I'm not going to get anywhere if I don't start believing in myself too. Hence, this blog! And as for the people, knowing they had no idea what was happening helped calm me and find common ground with them. And now, I can walk into a  lecture hall and sit beside anyone and talk away!

From the stress of exams and life in general, I ended up distancing myself from some friends. After some time apart I realized that just because you both have changed doesn't mean you cannot still be friends. For a while, I felt like I was always going to be one step ahead, and that they would never understand what exactly I was going through. But after taking a step back, I realized that they do understand because they're going through their own struggles too. Moral of the story is don't be so quick to throw away something worth saving just because you've changed a bit.

Lads, never have I ever fully realised just how QUICKLY children grow up! I stumbled across a picture of my little nephew this time last year, still just a baby and barely capable of holding his own head up. Fast forward a year and, my god, this kid is amazing! He can run (he never was able to just walk), talk (...maybe curse...not my fault I swear!) and wind everyone he meets around his finger with his cheeky little attitude! When he saw my decorations this year, he immediately said "OH WOW!" and then proceeded to shift the polar bears. What a charmer, huh! But in all honesty, watching him grow into a proper little person with like and dislikes, mannerisms and a personality is so cool, and I'm grateful I get to see it all happen!

Christmas has really made me appreciate seeing family and friends more. After my brother left for Australia I finally saw just how important it is to maintain relationships with those you love. Not seeing him for an entire six months was really hard, I missed constant bickering, sing songs and awkward dancing, but as soon as he came home it was like he never left and I loved it! In addition, not seeing my friends had me down a bit. But we've all agreed that the distance isn't working for us so we are all going to make a bigger effort to see each other, one sleepover is not enough of a catch up haha!


All in all, 2016 wasn't the best (I swear to Satan, if the world takes anymore icons from me I will cause hell) but it also wasn't the worst year I've ever had. These past couple of months have been amazing, here's to hoping they continue on! In the words of my dear friend; 2017 is going to be an amazing year! You know why? Because we're going to make it amazing!


Happy New Year and best wishes!

-Rachel x

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